Documenting Ruby Code

Ruby Standard Library includes RDoc tool for generating code documentation from comments. Here is an example of RDoc documentation format, taken from its README:

# This class represents an arbitrary shape by a series of points.

class Shape

  # Creates a new shape described by a +polyline+.
  # If the +polyline+ does not end at the same point it started at the
  # first pointed is copied and placed at the end of the line.
  # An ArgumentError is raised if the line crosses itself, but shapes may
  # be concave.

  def initialize polyline
    # ...


Another popular Ruby documentation tool is YARD. It supports RDoc format, and also provides more formalized approach, with tags specifying various aspects of documentation. Here is an example of YARD documentation format, taken from its README:

# Reverses the contents of a String or IO object.
# @param [String, #read] contents the contents to reverse
# @return [String] the contents reversed lexically
def reverse(contents)
  contents = if contents.respond_to? :read